For a given event, you can always maintain a contact list for all the members working for the event or people who have attended or going to attend an event. Grouping the contacts makes large data to be maintained conveniently. To know how to create groups follow in the steps below.

  • Click on the drop down at the top right tool-bar.

  • Click on "Contacts" at the drop-box.

  • Click on "Groups" at the left tool-bar.
  • Click on "+Create New Group" for adding a new group.

  • You can also select "View all group" and click on "+Add new group" button.
  • This will give you a pop-up "Add group".

  • Here you can fill in the detail like "Group Name".
  • If you want to add contact details under a group you can select from the drop down of "Import Contacts".

  • Save the changes.
  • This will create a new group with specific contacts.