Guests which will book the event tickets will automatically get added to the guest list but you can also add guests to the list manually or by using excel sheet.

  • At event dashboard select "Guest List" at the left tool-bar.

  • Now to add guest, click on the drop-down of "Add Guest".
  • The drop-down consists of "Contact List", "Manually" and "CSV".

  • Select any one way you want to add details from the drop-down
  • If you select "Manually", then you get a pop-up where you can add details.
  • In the pop-up "Add Guests Manually" fill in the required details.

  • Besides this, you may also add a large number of guests by selecting "CSV".
  • Also, you may add guests from your device contact list.  For that you need to select "Contact List" to add guests.